GitHub organisation or user
Repositories to show
Label filter as comma separated list w/o spaces (AND)
Issue display options. ETC = Engineering Cycle Time
Where to get estimates
Timeline start (blank = two months ago)
Timeline end (blank=today)
Interval in days or months (m postfix)
Split issues into bars (reg. exp or comma sep. list)
Bar label for other issues (blank to omit)
Chart title
Optional Date format instead of default "YYYY-MM-DD".
Supported: %m (month), %cy (calendar year), %CY (full calendar year), %fy (fiscal year)
%cq (calendar quarter), %fq (fiscal quarter), %d (day in month), %M (month number)
Stack bars
Show # open issues on right axis - instead of total opened/closed.
For velocity chart, show story points per day.
Show relative percentage (so relative weight) instead of numbers
Some text some message..